Rick and Morty: Total Rickall

Rick & Morty: Total Rickall

Product #CZE02174

Regular Price: $15.00

Special Price: $11.99

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Manufacturer: Cryptozoic Entertainment

Disgusting alien parasites have invaded the Smith house! These telepathic monsters propagate by embedding themselves in cherished memories, making it nearly impossible to distinguish them from real-life friends and family! It's up to you to take up arms and destroy them before they escape the house and overtake the world! But here's the kicker, broh. First you've got to figure out which of the zany, wacky characters are real and which are parasites. Can you save the Earth without sacrificing too many real characters?

114 Cards
1 Turn Marker

Ages: 15+
Players: 2-5
Game Length: 20-30 minutes

• Cooperative Game