Munchkin: Clowns Booster Pack

Munchkin: Clowns Booster Pack (Last Chance)

Product #SJG4217

Regular Price: $5.95

Special Price: $4.49

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Manufacturer: Steve Jackson Games

Send in the clowns...and then run for cover! Munchkin: Clowns brings you 15 hilarious and terrifying new cards for your Munchkin game. Wear your Big Red Shoes and Big Red Nose for big bonuses! Fight Poundfoolish with Pound Cake. If you fail, that's're dead!

Ages: 10+
Players: 3-6
Game Length: 90 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. It is intended to be played with the original Munchkin, but may be combined with any Munchkin base game.