Magical Kitties 2E RPG: Fantastica (Softcover)

Magical Kitties 2E RPG: Fantastica (Softcover)

Product #AG3122

Regular Price: $14.95

Special Price: $10.99

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Manufacturer: Atlas Games

Magical Kitties Save Magic Itself!

In the hidden land of Fantastica, fairy tales are real! Here everyone knows about magic, and that means everything is different for magical kitties. There's no need to hide your magic, anad humans and kitties work together to solve their problems!

The Nine Kingdoms are ruled by princesses, princes, and fantastical creatures: Nina the Mermaid, Yuki-Onna the Snow Woman, Sinbad the Sailor, Anansi the Spider, and the lovable Puss-in-Boots. Together with other adventurers, withes, fairies, kitties, and creatures, they form the Golden Circle.

But the peace and harmony sought by the Golden Cirlce is threatened by terrible villains like Queen Carnelia, the ruler of a land greatly harmed by magic, who now seeks to destroy all magic!

In Fantastica, your kitty has more to worry about that just a hometown. They have a whole kingdom!