Warpaint Air: Zombie Flesh (18ml)

Warpaint Air: Zombie Flesh (18ml)

Product #AMYAW4108

Regular Price: $3.50

Special Price: $3.49

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Manufacturer: Army Painter

Warpaints Air are acrylic airbrush-ready paints of unparalleled quality due to the nature of the high coverage offered by the specially chosen and ultra-filtered vibrant pigments, combined with a very stable and matchless resin solution.

The range features The Army Painter's unique Colour Triad System, which allows you to build perfect shadows, midtone and highlights for any painting project, from gargantuan monsters to vast armies of units. Every paint is ready to use right out of the bottle with the perfect consistency for your airbrush.

This paint comes in spill-proof 18 ml./0.6 fl.oz. dropper bottles with preloaded mixing balls for easy shaking to ensure that the your paints will always perform optimally.

Colour Triad System:
Base: Pestilent Flesh (sold separately)
Midtone: Necrotic Flesh (sold separately)
Highlight: Zombie Flesh