Dungeonology: Triple Threat Expansion

Dungeonology: Triple Threat Expansion (Last Chance)

Product #AREDNXP12TT

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Regular Price: $29.90

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Manufacturer: Ares Games

Face Pinky, Brain, and Spriggy, three pestiferous spriggans who will latch onto your Scholars to hinder them in their research! A terrible wild trio that roams the Dungeon, this new triple boss will put the Scholars of Rocca Civetta in a tight spot with tactics never seen before.

At the command "Spriggans! Assemble!", the three little beings will unite to form the "terrifying" Spriggazord, a new and hilarious Mega-Boss who with his super-special rules will give a hard time to all Scholars, teleporting to their Zones and continuing to follow them relentlessly!

This expansion includes a new Boss, represented by four different miniatures and a special game mode.

Ages: 13+
Players: 2-4
Game Length: 90 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Dungeonology is required to play.


• Area Movement
• Cooperative Game
• Hand Management
• Modular Board
• Pick-up and Deliver
• Take That
• Tile Placement
• Variable Player Powers