The Werewolves Of Millers Hollow: New Moon Expansion

The Werewolves Of Millers Hollow: New Moon Expansion (Last Chance)

Product #ASMKG02

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Regular Price: $12.99

Special Price: $10.00

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Manufacturer: Asmodee

What's in the New Moon box?

New variants such as: Moonlight (play outdoors in a magical ambiance); Community of Hamlets (up to 200 players at the same time); Harvest Festival (with strange alterations to the abilities); Double "You" (the villagers have double personalities); and also The Writing's on the Wall, The Black Death, Lycanthropic Fascination...

36 Event Cards
5 New Characters

Ages: 10+
Players: 8-18
Game Length: 30 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow is required to play.


• Bluffing
• Partnerships
• Player Elimination
• Role Playing
• Variable Player Powers
• Voting