Dragon Shield Playmat: Azokuang

Dragon Shield Playmat: Azokuang (Last Chance)

Product #AT-21101

Regular Price: $22.99

Special Price: $14.00

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Manufacturer: Arcane Tinmen

"The might Azokuang," Sinister said. "You don't look so tough now." The gigantic floating dragon struggled against his chains. Sinister gripped his Warped Shield. The chains tightened with a thought. "Thank Tao Dong for the Shield."

• Measures 24" x 13 3/4" x 3/32"
• Stitched and rounded edges
• Stable triangular carrying case
• Limited Edition collectible coin
• Coins come in Gold (rare), Silver (uncommon) and Bronze (common) and are perfect for determining order of play.
• Combine your coin with the notches on your playmat case to easily keep track of your life total. Each coin bears a secret that will reveal more about the world of Arcania - can you figure out the hidden meaning?