Battle of White Plains: Twilight of the New York Campaign

Battle of White Plains: Twilight of the New York Campaign

Product #GMT2213

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Manufacturer: GMT Games

Battle of White Plains is Volume 10 of the Battles of the American Revolution series.

It is late October, 1776 - two enormous armies face each other at White Plains, New York. 14,500 Americans confronting 15,400 British and Hessians, making this one of the largest concentrations of opposing troops during war.

Washington, desperate to salvage something from the otherwise disastrous defense of New York, occupies a strong position which he has fortified with two concentric lines of fieldworks. Secure in these position, he welcomes a front assault against his works.

Can you, as General Howe, break through the American line to deliver a decisive blow and the rebellion? Can you, as General Washington, hold your own on superior ground, hampered as you will be with some 6,700 militia of dubious quality?

The game includes three scenarios: the historical fight for Chatterton Hill, an October 31 scenario that explores what might have occurred if Howe had pressed his assault that day as planned, and a four-day campaign game spanning 42 game turns beginning with the arrival of the British Army on the field on the morning of October 28th.

Special rules include Opportunity cards, scorched earth, restoring army morale, "Ruse de Guerre," additional handicaps for American militia, and an off-board movement mechanism for Tarrytown on the Hudson River - seven miles away where British ships lay at anchor.

2 Mounted Map Boards
1 Full-size Counter Sheet
1 Half-size Counter Sheet
52 Opportunity Cards
16 Tactics Cards
2 Player Aid Cards (11" x 17")
1 Battles of the American Revolution Series Rulebook
1 Battle of White Plains Exclusive Rulebook
2 Ten-sided Dice

Ages: 14+
Players: 2
Game Length: 120-480 minutes

• Dice Rolling
• Hexagon Grid
• Simulation