Bayonet & Musket Battles: Vol 1 - Banish All Their Fears

Bayonet & Musket Battles: Vol 1 - Banish All Their Fears

Product #GMT2308

Regular Price: $65.00

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Manufacturer: GMT Games

Banish All Their Fears covers two crucial battles of the late 1600s and early 1700s in Europe when warfare entered a new era of larger armies and the primacy of firepower. The game system highlights the peculiarities of warfare in that period and the impact of the limitations of command and control. This game is an evolution of the Musket & Pike Battle series for the changes in tactics and organization of armies of that period

Neerwinden, July 29, 1693, War of the League of Augsburg. Outnumbered and thoroughly out-maneuvered by the French army under the Duke of Luxembourg, British King William III refuses to retreat his Allied army over the river to his rear and instead elects to defend a stout breastwork line strongly anchored on fortified villages. Luxembourg has the cream of the French army at his command, and sees an opportunity to break the enemy defenses and possibly destroy the Allied army.

Blenheim, August 13, 1704, War of the Spanish Succession. Facing defeat in Spain, northern Italy, and along the Rhine, the Duke of Marlborough leads his Allied army deep into Bavaria and threatens to remove that key French ally from the war. The French respond by sending an army under Marshal Tallard that links up with the Bavarians under Elector Max Emmanuel and stands to face Marlborough near the village of Blenheim on the banks of the Danube.

Banish All Their Fears is the first game in the Bayonet & Musket series, which will cover the period of the War of the League of Augsburg, 1688-1697, and the War of the Spanish Succession, 1702-1714. In western Europe, the figure of the great King of France, Louis XIV, the Sun King, dominated the scene, leading a newly united and energetic France to expand and secure its frontiers. His opponents? The ancient power of the Holy Roman Empire, the financial and military might of the Dutch United Provinces, and Britain the indomitable. The field of war was set.

1 Double-sided Map Sheet
1 Rules of Play
1 Playbook Manual
5 Counter Sheets
1 Command Display
2 Combat Tables Player Aids
2 Orders & Movement Tables Player Aid Cards
1 Time Keeping Card
2 Ten-sided Dice

Ages: 14+
Players: 2
Game Length: 180-420 minutes

• Dice Rolling
• Hexagon Grid