Bear Raid

Bear Raid

Product #ALPGME-BR

Regular Price: $40.00

Special Price: $32.00

16 In stock
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Manufacturer: Allplay

Turn into a high-flying stock trader in a thrilling game of stark market shenanigans.

Over the course of the game, you'll buy and short stock, depending on a variety of events. Forecast cards indicate how the price of a stock will increase or decrease. Your goal is to manipulate dice to spread rumors, influence prices, and hope that your actions adjust the stock price to make the most money! Players will even be able to force stock splits or bankrupt companies.

Think you can turn your initial investment into a huge pile of cash?

6 Multiplier Boards
6 Player Screens
1 First Player Marker
1 Bag
42 Event Cards
1 Rumors Cards
6 Companies, each with
  ‣ 1 Company Board
  ‣ 30 Stocks
  ‣ 8 Dice
  ‣ 1 Price Tracking Cube
  ‣ 1 Pip Tracking Cube

Ages: 14+
Players: 3-6
Game Length: 60 minutes

• Commodity Speculation
• Dice Rolling
• Stock Holding
• Victory Points as a Resource