Smirk and Dagger Games
The More Powerful the Magic, the More Danger in the WieldingBehext is a magical combat deck-building game, where your hand of spells is both your only defense and your only currency. To that end, you must sacrifice cards from your hand, and even your own willpower, to custom build your arcane arsenal.
Begin as one of 6 unique Battlemages specialized in their own magical discipline. Then, tailor your deck to your strategic tastes and in reaction to emerging opportunities. Curse and counter-curse your opponents into submission. . . without being Hexed yourself by the wild magics that have since passed beyond your control.
An unconventional deck-builder that is highly interactive as you constantly deflect Hexes around the table. You are not building a resource engine so much as constructing your deck to deliver the types of interactions you want to have with other players. Will you specialize in forcing discards to deprive them, focus on negation magic, attack their Willpower with direct damage - or take on chaotic and possibly dangerous spells to build Victory points into your deck at great risk to yourself?
Plus, newly conjured spells are not put into your discard pile, rather than forcing you to wait for their return, but are placed directly into your hand. You can play them immediately - right when you need them most.
1. Pass the Hex token between players by casting spells to deflect the attack to a rival Battlemage.
2. Discard cards, temporarily lowering your defenses, to Conjure more powerful spells for immediate use.
3. Casting spells will constantly alter the power and effects of the Hex in mid-flight.
4. When an opponent cannot deflect the Hex, they are BEHEXT, losing Willpower, while you gain it for targeting them successfully.
Contents:6 Battlemage Play Mats
6 Willpower Markers
6 Ten-Card Starting Decks
95 Spell Cards
4 Hex Tokens
10 Enhancement Tokens
1 First Caster Token
Round Tracker & Markers
Ages: 14+
Players: 3-5
Game Length: 15 minutes per player
• Card Play Conflict Resolution
• Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
• End Game Bonuses
• Hand Management
• Interrupts
• Passed Action Token
• Variable Player Powers
• Variable Set-up