Board Butler: 6-pack

Board Butler: 6-pack

Product #THLBB-6

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Manufacturer: Thrilltop Games

Game board not laying flat? Board Butler fixes that!


  • Patent-pending design works with nearly all game boards (approx. 1.85 - 2.75mm thick)

  • Will support a 6-fold game board

  • Attaches/detaches in seconds

  • 100% temporary and fully reusable

  • Depending on board thickness, the Board Butler may not slide fully to the edge. This is normal.

  • Transparent - lets you see the board artwork underneath

  • Strong enough to lift and move the board with pieces on it.

  • Width: 125mm
  • Length: 14mm (Top), 19mm (Bottom)
  • Height: 7.25mm

Images show Board Butlers used with the boards from Nestlings and Redwood (Retail Edition). Games available separately.

6 Board Butlers