Photosynthesis: Under the Moonlight

Photosynthesis: Under the Moonlight

Product #BOG05401

Regular Price: $19.99

Special Price: $17.99

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Manufacturer: Blue Orange Games

The moon is added to the sun to bring to life the rhythm of the forest. Animals draw their energy from the moonlight and use it to activate their skills. The forest is filled with moonstones and the majestic Great Elder Tree which will both interact with the moonlight.

1 Great Elder Tree
1 Moon Token
1 Moon Phase Tracker
8 Forest Animal Boards
8 Wooden Animal Meeples
4 Lunar Point Trackers
1 Dam Tiles
8 Baby Turtle Tokens
3 Moon Stones
Illustrated Rules

Ages: 8+
Players: 2-4
Game Length: 45-60 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Photosynthesis is required to play.

• Action Points