Torchbearer 2E RPG: Lore Master's Manual

Torchbearer 2E RPG: Lore Master's Manual

Product #BWH7022

Regular Price: $25.00

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Manufacturer: Burning Wheel

Forgotten Magics, Ancient Signs

Adventuring is a dangerous and thankless business. Few people would do it if they had any other choices - it's the rare adventurer that lives long enough and gets rich enough to retire from the life. Only the Fates can know where your thread of destiny will take you, but the right bit of knowledge at the right time might make all the difference!

The Lore Master's Manual is a collection of optional rules that add depth and nuance to the Torchbearer RPG. It includes a new character stock and three new classes, new traits, new skills, new invocations and spells, more and better equipment and optional rules for dealing with character death.

For Game Masters there are new conflicts (warfare, spiritual bindings, and negotiations), travel and weather rules, rules for building long-term base camps, new settlement types, more and richer loot, and a slew of new monsters.

Torchbearer is roleplaying game of desperate adventure based on the award-winning Mouse Guard RPG. To earn your fortune, you must explore forlorn ruins, brave terrible monsters, and retrieve forgotten treasures. The expeditions you undertake are taxing to your body, your mind, and your very nature. To survive, you must carefully manage your food, water, and light resources. To excel, you must fight what you believe in. To prosper, you must fill your packs with loot and treasure.

272 pages