A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Heroes #2

A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Heroes #2

Product #CMNSIF210

Regular Price: $39.99

Special Price: $31.99

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Manufacturer: Cool Mini or Not

Despite them being but seven in number, the white-cloaked Kingsguard represent the most combat-proficient unit in the War of the Five Kings. Possessed of the best arms, best armor, and best training money can buy, and being utterly committed to defending their king, the Kingsguard can easily assault or defend against three times their number and expect to win. However, care must be taken in their employment, not just to prevent their encirclement and destruction, but in containing and defending the greatest weakness known to House Lannister: King Joffrey Baratheon himself.

12 Miniatures
  ‣ Ser Arys Oakheart
  ‣ Ser Meryn Trant
  ‣ Ser Barristan Selmy
  ‣ Joffrey Baratheon
  ‣ Ser Jaime Lannister
  ‣ Ser Mandon Moore
  ‣ Ser Boros Blount
  ‣ Ser Preston Greenfield
  ‣ 4 Baratheon Royal Banners
1 Unit Card
8 Attachment Cards
1 NCU Card
1 Special Rule Card
6 Tactics Cards
1 Movement Tray

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.

Due to distribution restrictions we are only able to ship this product to the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.