DC Comics Deck Building Game

DC Comics Deck Building Game

Product #CRY01532

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Regular Price: $45.00

Special Price: $35.99

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Manufacturer: Cryptozoic Entertainment

Each player starts with his own basic 10-card deck and draws a hand of 5 cards each turn. Power is the currency you will use to buy new, stronger cards to add to your deck. The goal of a deck-building game is to craft your personal deck into a well-oiled machine. There are five different types of cards that can be acquired: Villains, Heroes, Equipment, Super Powers, and Locations.

A large, central stack of cards supplies a five-card "Line-Up" from which players make their purchases. Each player will always have five face-up cards to choose from each turn, so every turn there are new options and surprises.

When a player has amassed enough Power, he or she may defeat the current Super-Villain. When a Super-Villain is defeated, a new one appears and makes an Attack against each player in the game! Players can defend themselves with Defense cards like The Batsuit, Super Speed, Bulletproof, or several others.

In the end, the player who has accumulated the most Victory Points from the cards in his or her deck wins the game.


214 Game Cards

7 Oversized Super Hero Cards

1 Rulebook

• Deck, Bag, and Pool Building