Infinity: Dire Foes Mission Pack 10 - Slave Trophy

Infinity: Dire Foes Mission Pack 10 - Slave Trophy

Product #CVB280040-0935

Regular Price: $39.49

Special Price: $35.99

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Manufacturer: Corvus Belli

28mm Scale

A Zabuk is returning triumphant with her trophy: the head of an escaped slave. However, she doesn't know that this head belongs to a Speculo Agent who had taken the place of a human administrative clerk without anyone's knowledge. The secrets contained in this Shasvastii agent's Cube could be a triumph for the Shasvastii in front of their leader, the EI. But first the raiding party led by Hasht must secure the Zabuk's trophy, and that's something that neither Anyat nor her team will abide.

Metal Components.

3 Miniatures
  ‣ Corax Hasht (Spitfire)
  ‣ Zabuk, Morat Slaver (HVT)
  ‣ Treitak Anyat (K1 Combi Rifle)
3 Round Plastic Bases (25mm)

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.