Dark Age: Fanaticism (Hardcover)

Dark Age: Fanaticism (Hardcover)

Product #DAG0010

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Manufacturer: Cool Mini or Not

The Time Has Come for the Saints to be Forever Eclipsed -

No one denies that the Saints are a tremendous tool in the Forsaken arsenal for battling any threat Samaria has to offer. But, to the Prevailers, they represent something potentially even more sinister: a threat to Prevailer authority.

Coucilwoman Lilith and Grand Templar Marius know this better than most. Look at what happened when Saint Johann fully embraced his heresy and founded the Cult of Metamorphosis. Any Saint might succumb to the lure of unchecked personal power, and freedom from absolute authority. Such privileges are only for those truly appointed by God. And so Councilwoman Lilith labored long and hard and has engineered the most potent fighting force to walk Samaria since the corporations of old abandoned the Forsaken to his hell-blasted world.

Lilith is quick to dismiss accusations of questionable methods, banned techniques, and science skirting the edge of heresy. One need only see the results. She has forged new militant orders with the Warknights and Red Sisterhood. She has given the Prevailers their own Voice and Sight. She has brought forth the Archangels. And she did it all with God's own grace. What does it matter what the rabble say about her methods? The Saints will be reminded that the Prevailers of New Ashkelon are the true leaders of the Forsaken.

The Eclipse Protocol is about to begin!