Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde (D&D 5E Compatible)

Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde (D&D 5E Compatible) (Last Chance)

Product #TLG19356

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Regular Price: $49.99

Special Price: $37.99

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Manufacturer: Troll Lord Games

Within Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde lies a veritable host of legendary monsters . Each entry comes fully detailed with descriptions, habits, treasure, combat, special abilities, details on culture where needed, as well as a special section on each monster’s place in Aihrde.

These monsters are fully compatible with any setting, homebrew game, or world.

What Lies Herein
 • Over 170 Monsters!
 • The Lesser Dragons!
 • Demons!
 • Devils!
 • A host of monsters!
 • A mountain of Special Magic Items!

256 pages