D&D Icons of the Realms: Adult Moonstone Dragon

D&D Icons of the Realms: Adult Moonstone Dragon

Product #WZK96301

Regular Price: $99.99

Special Price: $89.99

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Manufacturer: WizKids/NECA

Moonstone dragons are graceful and elegant creatures with opalescent scales and ruffs of emerald-green fur running down their chins, chests, backs, and tails. One horn arcs from the back of a moonstone dragon's skull and another at the tip of the nose; the two horns together form a shape that's reminiscent of a slender crescent moon.

Moonstone dragons are playful and impetuous forces of mischief in their early years, but the best of them mature into wise teachers and storytellers who anchor Feywild communities. The worst of them are pompous and ill behaved, but even those remain gentle by nature and curious about all things - especially travelers from faraway places.

Plastic components.

Approximate Height: 223mm / 9in

1 Miniature (100mm Base)
  ‣ Adult Moonstone Dragon

Miniatures are supplied pre-painted and pre-assembled.