You Lie You Drink

You Lie You Drink

Product #DSS7330

Regular Price: $15.99

Special Price: $12.99

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Manufacturer: DSS Games

The drinking game for people who like to lie.

Will you know if you friends are telling the truth?

 • A fun fact about my mother is that _____.

 • The dumbest way I ever injured myself was _____.

 • One time at a house party _____.

 • One time my boss aid to me, _____.

125 Prompt Cards
6 Lie Cards
6 Truth Cards
1 Rules Card

Ages: 21+
Players: 3+
Game Length: 30 minutes

Disclaimer: You Lie You Drink can be played with or without a beverage. It is intended for entertainment purposes only and is not intended, nor should it be construed, to promote anything otherwise.

Due to distribution restrictions we are only able to ship this product to the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.