B-17 Flying Fortress Leader (2nd Edition)

B-17 Flying Fortress Leader (2nd Edition)

Product #DV1035

Regular Price: $89.99

Special Price: $71.99

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Manufacturer: Dan Verssen Games

Top Ten Wargames of 2017
B-17 Flying Fortress Leader places you in command of the US's Mighty 8th Air Force from 1942 to 1945! Each Bomber Group and Fighter Group under your command has individual skills and unique ratings. You get to plan out your strategy to bring down Germany's war-making capability, and then resolve each bombing mission deep in enemy territory!

B-17 Flying Fortress Leader includes 11 historical campaigns, as well as a Mini-Game where you get to resolve missions for your won bomber through 25 missions, a Solo Bomber option to determine the fate of one bomber in one of your Groups, and Down In Flames solitaire rules so you can resolve your air combats using our Down In Flames card game (a copy of Down in Flames is required for this one!)

336 Cards
6 Counter Sheets
11 Campaign Sheets
1 Mounted Board
1 Ten-side Die
1 Player Log Sheet
Full Color Rules Booklet

Ages: 12+
Players: 1
Game Length: 30-120 minutes

• Card Drafting
• Simulation
• Chit-Pull System