Exploding Kittens: Imploding Kittens Expansion

Exploding Kittens: Imploding Kittens Expansion

Product #EKG1EXP

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Manufacturer: Exploding Kittens

Imploding Kittens is the first expansion for Exploding Kittens. This Expansion deck includes 20 new cards featuring 6 new types of actions and an Imploding Kitten which increases the game from 5 to 6 players.

20 New Cards
1 Card to Expand the Game to 6 Players
1 Human-sized Cone of Shame Turn Indicator

Ages: 7+
Players: 2-6
Game Length: 15 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Exploding Kittens (First Edition or Original Edition) is required to play.