EOS: Island of Angels Expansion

EOS: Island of Angels Expansion

Product #GFX60226

Regular Price: $24.99

Special Price: $17.99

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Manufacturer: Grey Fox Games

This expansion includes 2 new nations.

  • Gloyn: Choose to play the fearless mercenaries and poets of the far away coasts of Gloyn. While being the most elite seafarers on the field already, their biggest goal is to be part of epics and ballads.

  • Lavaloan: For ages, the Island of Lavaloan has been under siege by the Demon Lords - but ongoing resistance made the Lavaloans strong. They are out to go on a wild hunt for the Demon Lords to free their home and make the world a safe place for everyone.

1 Rulebook
1 Punchboard
2 Nation Boards
20 Cards
26 Wooden Pieces

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-5
Game Length: 30 minutes per player

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of EOS: Island of Angels is required to play.

• Open Drafting
• Point to Point Movement
• Roles with Asymmetric Information
• Worker Placement