Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne - Gold and Steel

Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne - Gold & Steel (Clearance)

Product #DWD06002

Regular Price: $20.00

Special Price: $17.99

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Manufacturer: Dire Wolf Digital

The battle for the Eternal Throne continues! The Rebellion has failed; the devastated city of Argenport rebuilds into a blossoming center of trade and commerce that attracts merchants from across Myria. Deadly weapons, powerful allies, and priceless treasures can be yours...if you have the coin to spend.

The first expansion for Eternal: Chronicles of Time introduces exciting new strategies to your deck-building, card-battling experience. Amass gold to purchase cards from your own secret market and unleash cunning surprises on your opponents. Equip your units with new weapons to increase their strength and expand their abilities.

The Markets are open in Gold & Steel - to the victor go the spoils!

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne is required to play.