Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Raiders - Disciples Leaders

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Raiders - Disciples Leaders

Product #MUH0190042

Regular Price: $30.00

Special Price: $24.00

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Manufacturer: Modiphius Entertainment

32mm Scale

"I've heard people say never judge a book by its cover, well Nisha's book is covered in knives and blood, so I'm going to judge it anyway."

I don't think you can describe the leaders of the Disciples as such, it's not charisma that keeps Nisha on top, it's the constant threat of dismemberment for standing against her. Human resources at its best. Habits like that keep other Disciples close, like Nixie, with her girlish love of popping out eyeballs, or Savoy, whose loyalty to Nisha is matched only by the fact he could really go for killing someone, like, right now.

Resin Components.

3 Miniatures
  ‣ Nisha
  ‣ Dixie
  ‣ Savoy
3 Scenic Bases (30mm)

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.