Flames of War: Vietnam - US M551 Sheridan

Flames of War: Vietnam - US M551 Sheridan

Product #FOW-VUS002

Regular Price: $14.00

Special Price: $12.99

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Manufacturer: Battlefront Miniatures

The M551 Sheridan was developed as an amphibious cavalry tank or air-landing tank capable of tackling Soviet tanks. As a result its main armament was an anti-tank missile launcher that could also fire conventional shells. Getting this complex weapon system to work delayed the introduction of the Sheridan, but it finally reached Vietnam in 1968. Once there, its crews liked its firepower, speed, and ability to cross flooded rice paddies, but missed the thick armor of the much heavier M48 and its ability to smash its way through thick jungle.

Metal and plastic components.

1 Miniature
  ‣ M551 Sheridan Tank

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.