Flames of War: Vietnam - Walker Bulldog Tank Platoon

Flames of War: Vietnam - Walker Bulldog Tank Platoon

Product #FOW-VAR001

Regular Price: $16.00

Special Price: $14.99

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Manufacturer: Battlefront Miniatures

Given the Republic of Vietnam's limited technical capabilities, the American M41A3 Walker Bulldog light tank was well suited to the war in South Vietnam. They were armed and armoured well enough to deal with most Viet Cong forces, while being easy to maintain.

When the ARVN cavalry faced North Vietnamese tanks for the first time during Operation Lam Son 719 in Laos, they discovered that tactics could compensate for their light armour, while their long 76mm guns could penetrate any enemy tank they faced.

Metal and plastic components.

1 Miniature
  ‣ Walker Bulldog Tank

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.