For Science!

For Science!

Product #GFX99098

Regular Price: $59.99

Special Price: $41.99

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Manufacturer: Grey Fox Games

For Science! Review

You were never supposed to be the ones standing between the Earth and viral annihilation. So many other groups were better connected, better funded, better equipped, and had much nicer glossy brochures. But here you are, an eccentric bunch of researchers, lab workers, bureaucrats, virologists, and more ready to put it all on the line. . . FOR SCIENCE!!!

For Science! is a real-time, dexterity, and spatial cooperative board game where you design cures to deadly diseases using cards, then actually build those cures using wooden blocks. If a cure proves too difficult to build, you can always go back and design a new one - but the clock is constantly ticking. Cure enough diseases to unlock the key to a universal vaccine and you win! (You also save the world, isn't that nice?)

20 Disease Cards
32 Mutation Cards
60 Design Cards
15 Role & Workshop Cards
6 Player Aid Cards
76 Universal Vaccine Tiles
36 Wooden Blocks
3 Insight Pawns
1 Lab Board
1 Wasted Card Board
4 Deck/Discard Boards
12 Callout Rings
12 Advanced Lab Tiles
6 Insight Goal Tokens

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-6
Game Length: 30 minutes

• Cooperative Game
• Hand Management
• Variable Player Powers