Studies in Sorcery

Studies in Sorcery

Product #GIR08000

Regular Price: $29.00

Special Price: $20.99

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Manufacturer: Weird Giraffe Games

It's your last semester in grad school and it's finally time to earn your degree in darkness! Will your focus be in Alchemy, Sorcery, or Reanimation?

Alchemy takes a careful hand and time, but can produce amazing effects. Sorcery can do incredible things, but only at certain times. Reanimation can multiply your efforts in the long run. Don't forget to finish your thesis statement, as doing so might just get you the coveted valedictorian spot!

Studies in Sorcery is a competitive engine-building and drafting game in which players are trying to complete projects in different areas of study to complete their thesis statement and earn enough credits to become the valedictorian of the Academy of Dark Arts!

58 Project Cards
15 Thesis Cards
94 Material Cards
4 Research Grant Cards
3 Track Cards
6 Reference Cards
2 Moon Tokens
Credit & Demerit Tokens
First Player Marker

Ages: 10+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 45-60 minutes

• Card Drafting
• Contracts
• Hand Management
• Push Your Luck