Almoravid: Reconquista & Riposte in Spain, 1085-1086

Almoravid: Reconquista & Riposte in Spain, 1085-1086

Product #GMT2113

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Manufacturer: GMT Games

Levy & Campaign Series, Volume II

Hispania, 1085. The once-mighty Caliphate had fallen to squabbling taifa emirs who paid the Christian kings parias gold to buy peace. Now Alfonso VI puts those extorted dinars and his unified realm to work. He musters a feudal host to rip the heart from Muslim Spain - the Visigoths' ancient seat of Toledo and its central plain - and seal his claim as Imperator totius Hispaniae.

But fight remains in al-Andalus. Leonese strikes radiating from Toledo reveal the vulnerability of the emirs in their pleasure palaces. The strongest, al-Mutamid of Sevilla, risks his dynasty and invites a Muslim power unlike any the Christians have faced. Granada and Badajoz join his call to African fundamentalists to save Iberia's faithful. Yusuf's Almoravid empire stands ready with a giant army and fleet to hop the Straits. A titanic clash for Hispania is set to unfold.

Almoravid, Volume II in Volko Ruhnke's Levy & Campaign Series, takes us from Nevsky's frozen northeast to the opposite corner of medieval Europe. With the same core rules, you will muster lords, levy forces and capabilities, and command armies on campaign across 11th-Century Spain. But al-Andalus was no Russia: your lords will enjoy Roman roads and gentle seasons but must bypass or smash against Iberia's stout Moorish fortifications. Taifa politics and parias tribute will guide your military strategy. African troops, bloodthirsty crusaders, the avaricious Cid - each may enter the scene. And all will play out across a field half again as large as that of the first volume.

1 Mounted Map (22" x 25.5")
177 Wooden Pieces
112 Playing Cards
3 Full-color Countersheets
17 Lord & Battle Mats
1 Lords Sticker Sheet
3 Player Aid Sheets
2 Screens
1 Rules Booklet
1 Background Booklet
6 Six-sided Dice

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-2
Game Length: 180-240 minutes

• Point to Point Movement