Warhammer Sigmar: Order Battletome - Lumineth Realm-Lords (Hardcover)

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Order Battletome - Lumineth Realm-Lords (Hardcover) (Backrooms Sale)

Product #GW-87-04-2021

Regular Price: $55.00

Special Price: $32.99

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Manufacturer: Games Workshop

This 136-page hardback book contains:

• Allegiance abilities for Lumineth Realm-lords, including a variety of battle traits

• All the unit rules content from Broken Realms: Teclis

• 3 spell lores

• 3 battleplans that allow you to fight thrilling narrative battles that suit the Lumineth Realm-lords ways of war

• Rules for creating a Lumineth warband for Path to Glory, including Champion and Hero Followers rewards tables

• 8 warscroll battalions

• 24 warscrolls, plus 3 endless spell warscrolls and 1 scenery warscroll

• Pitched battle profiles for all units and endless spells featured in this battletome

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is an updated version of Battletome - Lumineth Realm-Lords, including all the Lumineth content from the Broken Realms: Teclis book. If you already own a copy of the original battletome, Teclis will give you everything you need to fully update your Lumineth Realm-lords army. If you already own both the original Battletome - Lumineth Realm-lords and Teclis, you'll find this battletome a handy compilation packed full of thrilling lore and stunning artwork.

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