Heroes of Normandie: War Stories #02 - Colombelles Castle

Heroes of Normandie: War Stories #02 - Colombelles Castle

Product #DPG-HON-505-008

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Manufacturer: Devil Pig Games

Castle Of Blood

Behind the metallurgical factories of Colombelles is the castle of the same name. The building, subjected to heavy bombardment, miraculously escaped destruction. Elements of the 16. Luftwaffen Feld Division and the 21. Panzer Division were entrenched inside and slowed down the advance of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division. The Regiment de la Chaudiere, supported by tanks of the 1st Hussars were sent to dislodge the Germans. Almost 80% of the city of Colombelles was destroyed. On November 11, 1948 it was awarded the Croix de Guerre with a silver star.

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Heroes of Normandie is required to play.

Note: This is contains both English and French Versions of the game

• Dice Rolling
• Grid Movement
• Variable Player Powers