Hop, Waddle, Stomp!

Hop, Waddle, Stomp!

Product #RVN20937

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Manufacturer: Ravensburger

Your toddler will build fine and gross motor skills, animal recognition, color matching, direction following, and turn taking with Hop, Waddle, Stomp! Toss the soft, colorful ball, choose a matching puzzle piece, and waddle across the room to unite the baby animals with their families.

Ravensburger preschool games grow with your child! Hop, Waddle, Stomp! includes multiple ways for your child to play on their own and for you to play together. Since 1883, Ravensburger has built a reputation across the globe as a trusted brand for parents and children. Ravensburger's toys, games, and puzzles encourage discovery of what really matters through play.

  • Fine and gross motor skills
  • Animal recognition
  • Color matching
  • Following directions
  • Taking turns

Ages: 2+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 10 minutes