I Would Kill Hitler

I Would Kill Hitler (Last Chance)

Product #SHSIWKH0001

Regular Price: $29.00

Special Price: $23.99

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Manufacturer: Spite House Studios

I Would Kill Hitler is an adult party game where players wear the robe of philosopher and answer society's dumbest hypothetical questions using cards in their hand to create a hilarious response! Not only is this game fun, quick, and easy to learn, but it was also made out of spite for a total jerk who said this game would never work. Every copy sold is a big middle finger to that guy. He's dead now though (we think). Ok bye!

100 Yellow Hypothetical Cards
350 White Plot Cards
1 Sixty-second Timer

Ages: 17+
Players: 3-8
Game Length: 30+ minutes

This game can be played on its own or combined with other I Would. . . sets for enhanced play.

• Player Judge
• Storytelling