Kinfire Delve: Callous' Lab

Kinfire Delve: Callous' Lab

Product #IDSAYA11012

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Manufacturer: Incredible Dream

How Deep Will You Delve?

You are Seekers, sent to vanquish the malevolent creature Callous. Survive an onslaught of illusions and mind games to reach Callous' final gauntlet and banish their spirit back to the beyond.

A tactical and cooperative card game for 1-2 players, in Kinfire Delve: Callous' Lab you will fight your way through the Well deck of challenge cards to reach Callous, the Master of the Well, and face them in an epic final battle.

  • Mix & Match Sets: Add player decks from other Kinfire Delve games for new experiences, or to allow up to 4 players.

  • Variability: Experience a different game every time with 3 unique enemy forms and over 50 challenges.

  • Dual-use Cards: Boost actions of other players even when it's not your turn.

  • BONUS! Use Delve player cards as alternate character skins in the Kinfire Chronicles: Night's Fall board game.

64 Well Master Cards
40 Seeker Cards
6 Exhausted Cards
38 Progress Tokens
4 Dice
1 Health Tracker
1 Rulebook

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-2 (up to 4 with other Kinfire Delve games)
Game Length: 45-60 minutes

• Cooperative Game
• Dice Rolling
• Multi-Use Cards