Levee En Masse: Deluxe Edition

Levee En Masse: Deluxe Edition

Product #WPUB076

Regular Price: $75.00

Special Price: $56.99

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Manufacturer: Worthington Publishing

Levée en Masse is a card-driven solitaire game telling the story of the military, political, and social struggles of the French Revolution through its key events and decision points. You attempt to stop the advance of four foreign armies and the counterrevolutionaries within France itself; all are bent on destroying Republicanism before it can spread. But simply holding on to Paris is not enough; you must also export the Revolution by liberating foreign-held territory and spreading the Republican benefits of Liberty, Equality, and Civic Fraternity while maintaining Republicanism as a stronger force in France than Monarchy and Despotism.

Includes the Expansion Set Cards and Counters.

Mounted Game Board
Card Decks
Battle Archive
Counter Sheet

Ages: 14+
Players: 1
Game Length:30-60 minutes

• Action Points
• Campaign / Battle Card Driven
• Dice Rolling
• Point to Point Movement
• Solo / Solitaire Game