Lewis & Clark: The Expedition (Second Edition)

Lewis & Clark: The Expedition (Second Edition)

Product #LULCK02EN

Regular Price: $49.99

Special Price: $39.99

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Manufacturer: Ludonaute

Win the race to the West and make history! Each turn, choose which side of your cards will be played. Each step of your journey, manage your Expedition's resources sparingly. Each game, create a new party of Characters.

1 Game Board
5 Expedition Boards
10 Double-sided Boat Tiles
84 Character Cards
5 Scout Figures
24 Time Tokens
100 Resource Hexagons
8 Resource Multiplication Markers
18 Indian Figures
10 Route Change Tokens
8 Resource Badge Tokens

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-5
Game Length: 30 minutes per player