Merchants of Magick: Draught of the Dragons Expansion

Merchants of Magick: Draught of the Dragons Expansion

Product #RMA122

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Manufacturer: Rock Manor Games

Draught of the Dragons collects several different smaller expansions into one box adding a ton of variety and intrigue. Draught of the Dragons adds a new phase to the game where players pick an action: Brewing more potions, advertising to a central pool of customers, stealing them from your opponents, or grabbing potion recipes that provide powerful new abilities. It also adds new Order cards and a push your luck mechanic with Order Reservations.

1 Central Market Board
16 Collector Cards
40 Action Cards
16 Potion Recipe Cards
32 Guild Tokens
25 Wooden Tokens
8 Potion Mastery Tokens
1 Rulebook
1 Bag

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-8
Game Length: 45-60 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Merchants of Magick: A Set a Watch Tale is required to play.

• Bingo
• Contracts
• Dice Rolling
• Paper-and-Pencil