Mighty Tiny 12mm Dice: Glow-in-the-Dark - Sea Sparkle (7)

Mighty Tiny 12mm Dice: Glow-in-the-Dark - Sea Sparkle (7) (Last Chance)

Product #GKGTINYR3

Regular Price: $14.95

Special Price: $10.99

5 In stock
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Manufacturer: Gate Keeper Games

Glow-in-the-dark blue dice infused with surface-safe glitters.

Radiant Dice Style. Mighty Tiny Dice are premium resin (not acrylic) 12mm mini dice that are heavier, denser, and better balanced than mini dice of the past.

1 d4
1 d6
1 d8
1 d10
1 d10%
1 d12
1 d20

Due to the unique design of these dice, coloring and color ratios will vary from set to set and may not be exactly as pictured.