Model Color: German AFV Colors WWII (Preorder)

Model Color: German AFV Colors WWII (Preorder)

Product #VAL70255

Regular Price: $66.99

Special Price: $56.99

Available for Preorder
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Manufacturer: Vallejo

Estimated Release Date: August 2024.

Preorder items are not yet available. The quantity available and "in stock" notations are the quantities we have available for advance order.

If there are other items on the order, the entire order will not ship until all preorders release.

Image, contents, and release date are subject to change.

This set contains a selection of colors, corresponding to RAL codes, for painting all types of armored vehicles, light vehicles and artillery pieces of the German Army during WWII. From the typical Panzergrau of the beginning of the war, to the three-color camouflages of the end of the war, including Afrika Korps camouflage, primer and interior colors, with this set you have no excuse to leave your models unpainted.


16 Paints (18ml)
  ‣ Cream White
  ‣ Grey Brown
  ‣ Desert Brown
  ‣ Silver Grey
  ‣ Bronze Green
  ‣ Military Yellow
  ‣ Old Wood
  ‣ Dark Sea Green
  ‣ Cam. Dark Green
  ‣ Green Brown
  ‣ Burnt Red
  ‣ German Grey
  ‣ Refractive Green
  ‣ Dark Sand
  ‣ Hull Red
  ‣ Black