The Mother Road: The Great Races Score Pad

The Mother Road: The Great Races Score Pad (Last Chance)

Product #EAG102370

Regular Price: $2.99

Special Price: $2.49

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Manufacturer: Eagle-Gryphon Games

The object is to score the most points by winning (or by coming in second) in as many of the 11 "Great Races" as possible. Each player enters the various Races according to the throw of the dice, and then advances towards each finish line by re-throwing the number of that race.

To play this game, you will need 4 six-sided dice and a pen or pencil - these are not included.

1 Rulesheet
1 Scorepad (25 Double-sided Score Sheets)

Ages: 6+
Players: 2-4
Game Length: 20 minutes

• Dice Rolling
• Paper-and-Pencil