Conquest: Dweghom - Hold Warriors/Hold Ballistae

Conquest: Dweghom - Hold Warriors/Hold Ballistae

Product #PBW3301

Regular Price: $29.99

Special Price: $23.99

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Manufacturer: Para Bellum Wargames

38mm Scale

Despite the tremendous influence that both the Ardent and Tempered sects hold within Dweghom society, the foundation of the Dweghom Hold still rests firmly upon the core social unit of the Clan. It should be noted, however, that a Dweghom Clan should not be equated with the traditional human kinship structure so prevalent in the highlands of Braeonia. Dweghom Clans are instead descended from the warbands and regiments that survived the Breaking and the subsequent retreat to the Holds. While heritage and tradition do form a strong bond between the members of a clan, the traditional filial bonds so prevalent in human clans are far less important due to the Dweghom social structure.

Be they shield-bearing warriors or ballistae specialists, when one encounters unranked Hold Warriors within the field, he will mostly be facing hardened veterans who have devoted their life to military service. The small percentage who are not lifelong servicemen, however, trade battlefield experience for ambition and ruthlessness, making them just as dangerous on the field of battle.

Plastic components.

12 Miniatures
3 Infantry Stands
2 Command Cards

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.

Conquest now offers an entire, two-in-one wargaming experience, all with the same Conquest minis: The Last Argument of Kings and First Blood! Veteran Conquest players already have everything they need to play First Blood; one would only need to download the FREE First Blood rules. For newcomers, as one's collection grows, it provides one with the opportunity to use one's Models to play its Mass Battles brother, again, simply by downloading the FREE rules of both game play styles. The First Blood rules are available here.