Warcaster Neo-Mechanika: Iron Star - Automech

Warcaster Neo-Mechanika: Iron Star - Automech (Last Chance)

Product #PIP83029

Regular Price: $19.99

Special Price: $13.99

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Manufacturer: Privateer Press

The Automech is a robotic mechanic specializing in the maintenance of warjacks. In addition to its repair and warjack-supporting capabilities, the Automech also sports a powerful short-range flamethrower and repair tools that can double as deadly close-combat weaponry.

• Can Repair warjacks.

• Can spike to remove an activation token from a warjack.

• Armed with a short-range, fire-causing spray weapon.

Metal and resin components.

1 Miniature
  ‣ Automech
1 Round Plastic Base (40mm)
1 Stat Card

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.