Pop Com

Pop Com

Product #LUPOP01EN

15 In stock
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Manufacturer: Ludonaute

Just Play It
Welcome to Pop Com! Congratulations, you've just been hired to work for the best of the best advertising agencies, which means you must have what it takes to be the advertising stars of tomorrow. But to get there, you're going to have to work hard, my little sweeties!

You'll take turns writing slogans, designing logos, striking poses, role-playing, and doing voice-overs for ads. With so many opportunities to hone your multitasking, there's no way you'll get bored! So, over to you! It's time to create some sublime ad campaigns, magnificent logos and innovative ideas! Push boundaries, think outside the box, but most of all, have fun! 19 categories to please everyone

Humour - Creativity - Challenges. 364 hilarious challenges to become advertising champions. Offbeat party game fun!

110 Cards (63 x 88mm)
1 Notepad
1 Rulebook

Ages: 13+
Players: 4-14
Game Length: 20 minutes

• Acting
• Drawing
• Player Judge
• Voting