Dungeon Drop: Dungeon Mat

Dungeon Drop: Dungeon Mat

Product #PSG112

Regular Price: $14.99

Special Price: $12.99

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Manufacturer: Phase Shift Games

Drop your dungeon in style on this gorgeous neoprene mat!

While any surface type is viable for Dungeon Drop (tabletop, floor, or otherwise), this neoprene mat helps prevent excessive bounce when dropping onto a glass table or other hard surface. The mat is designed to nicely couple with a second mat, creating a huge playing surface. The mats are also designed to be multi-purpose. Each tile is 1 square inch, so they can be used for other games, and RPGs as well!

1 Game Mat (24 x 14")

This is not a stand-alone game. This is an accessory for Dungeon Drop.

• Card Drafting
• Enclosure
• Flicking
• Modular Board
• Push Your Luck