Purzelbaum (Somersault)

Purzelbaum (Somersault)

Product #ZOCH601105128

Regular Price: $37.99

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Manufacturer: Zoch Verlag

Purzelbaum is the dexterity and memory game with a three-dimensional, wooden tree that provides plenty of nuts for busy squirrels to bury during autumn and then dig up again once winter has come.

In autumn, the player whose turn it is picks a hole in the ground and tries to let a nut fall into it. If the player is successful, they will get a leaf as a reward. As soon as all nuts have been shaken from the tree, it becomes winter. Now, the players try to recall the best spots to dig for nuts.

As soon as all nuts have been recovered, the player with the most leaves and nuts wins.

1 Wooden Tree Trunk
8 Wooden Branches
16 Leaves
16 Buts
1 Meadow Grid
20 Meadow Disks
1 Rules Booklet

Ages: 4+
Players: 2-4
Game Length: 20 minutes

• Memory