Redgrass: Painter Lite - Everlasting Wet Palette - Blue Edition

Redgrass: Painter Lite - Everlasting Wet Palette - Blue Edition

Product #RDGWPPL50-BL

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Manufacturer: Redgrass Games

Take your miniature painting sessions to the next level with Redgrass Games wet palettes! Simply add your acrylic paint on top of the hydration paper sheets. The amazing hydration system will keep your paint moist and workable for a long time. Enough painting for today? Just close the lid and secure the palette with the strap band. Whether 4 hours or even a few days later, your paint will still be fresh and ready for the next painting session!

1 Painter Lite Wet Pallete
2 Hydration Foam Pads
50 Sheets of Hydration Paper
1 Blue Strap Band