Jake Frydman

Jake Frydman

Game Reviewer

Jake grew up in the local game shops of Lawrence, Kansas. Lured first by a handful of Pokemon cards brought into class by a friend, it was here that he would develop a life long love for strategy games. By twelve years old, Jake was cutting his strategy teeth against the best Magic: the Gathering players Lawrence had to offer. Despite this blossoming passion, forces began to rise (High school soccer and peer pressure amongst other things) that would drive Jake from the tables of his LGS.

By college, he wasn't gaming at all. That is until a senior year roommate brought out a worn copy of Settlers of Catan, reigniting a long dormant flame. With the discovery of an entire world of modern board games in 2015, this flame now burns more brightly than ever before.

Nowadays, when he isn't gaming, Jake is happiest when playing kickball with his friends.

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