Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid - Ranger Allies Pack #2

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid - Ranger Allies Pack #2

Product #RGS02227

Regular Price: $45.00

Special Price: $36.00

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Manufacturer: Renegade Game Studios

"Looks like you could use a little help." -Cam Watanabe

New heroes join the Power Rangers in the fight against evil just when they are needed most! This expansion introduces a diverse cast of new playable characters. These allies all have their own unique play styles and Zords!

Joe Shih, a Time Force agent long missing in action, returned to gain the powers of HyperForce Green!

Zhane, the best friend of Space Ranger Andros, helped save the galaxy more than once with his Super Silverizer!

Ryan Mitchell was raised by the demon Diabolico, but he broke the demon's curse and became the Titanium Ranger!

Cam Watanabe trained for years under his father's strict tutelage, then received the mystical Samurai Amulet!

Robert "RJ" James mentored the Jungle Fury Rangers before revealing his own abilities as the Wolf Ranger!

5 Ranger Figures
5 Character Cards
50 Combat Cards
5 Zord Cards
1 Megazord Card
1 Rulesheet

Ages: 14+
Players: 2-5
Game Length: 45-60 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid is required to play.

• Action Points
• Cooperative Game
• Dice Rolling
• Hand Management
• Variable Player Powers